All-in-one tool for bulk email sending

Verify Warmup and  Send

Built for the
Jewish Public


Jewish email marketing platform

You have an important message to get out. Your customers want to trust that you are sending with kosher standards. You need your messages to be creative and effective. You want to be able to see and improve your messaging with statistics. You need to send attachments larger than 10 MB.

Be sure that your customers can see all your important notices and ads

100% delivery,
100% accessible by all kosher phones
(no internet required)

Reach Klal Yisrael when others can’t using 'basic' emailing systems

Send full ads, notices, newsletters, ads, divrei torah using designed templates

English, Hebrew and Yiddish



Ensure important messages are read by your careful customers.

Keep your messages at the standard you’d expect.

Send kosher emails.

Guarantee full delivery of your messages effectively to every kosher phone.

It's super easy!

Open an account and start sending emails and SMS on your Kosher Device

Available worldwide,

made with help from the holy land.

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KOSHER EMAIL © 2016 - 2025. All right reserved.