In your company, you may frequently need to send big attachment files by mail.
It doesn’t matter if you use Outlook, Gmail or Yahoo, the same thing will always happen to you. There are certain files that are very heavy and you cannot send them without using the cloud because email platforms put a limit on the weight or file size. In tools like Gmail, when you want to send a very large file, what will happen is that you will share it using Google Drive.
But is that even if you could, what happens with many of these files is that you need the cloud yes or yes to be able to share them. Gmail ends up putting large files that it cannot attach in Google Drive by default. Apart from this, you may also find that the file takes a long time to upload and attach, which in the end is not agile to work like that.
What’s the Maximum Size of an Email Attachment?
In theory, there’s no limit to the amount of data you can attach to an email. Email standards don’t specify any sort of size limit. In practice, most email servers—and some email clients—enforce their own size limits.
In general, when attaching files to an email, you can be reasonably sure that up to 10MB of attachments are okay. Some email servers may have smaller limits, but 10MB is generally the standard.
Gmail allows you to attach up to 25MB to a single email, but this is only guaranteed to work if you’re emailing other Gmail users. As soon as the email leaves Gmail’s servers, it could be rejected by another email server. Many servers are configured to not accept more than 10MB of attachments.
It’s not even as simple as looking at the maximum attachment size of the service you use and the service you’re emailing—emails often travel over several mail transfer agents when they’re sent, so you may have your attachment rejected by a server along the way if you attach too much data.
You should also bear in mind that email attachments are generally MIME encoded, which increases their size by about 33%. So 10MB of files on your disk will become about 13MB of data when attached to an email.
Use a Large-File Sending Service
At Kosher Email by MailPipe we are always very attentive to help our users improve their email experience, and we are a great multifunctional platform for sending emails.
One of our great virtues is that you can send attachments of great weight within your email in an easy and simple way. Check out our video:
Just sign up for free today and start using our fantastic tool!