Learn about the comparative advantages between sending those documents of high relevance to your business as attachments and continuing to use traditional mail. Evaluate the conditions offered by each one and make the most convenient choice.

Given the growing need to deliver documentation – often crucial – to your clients, we will analyze the convenience of continuing to use traditional mail or decide to take a step forward and attach these documents to your email shipments. To do this, we compare the factors that your clients attach the most importance to:

Cost: Sending a letter by post at least triples the cost of a message with attachments via email, without considering that this value varies greatly depending on the distance from the destination.

Traceability: Tracking a postal item depends on regular updates by a postal service official. On the contrary, the traceability of a shipment by email is instantaneous and automatic.

Speed: In the best of cases, a traditional shipment is estimated in hours if it is an urban and private mail; Otherwise, it can take days or even more, weeks, considering that in today’s globalized world a company can have customers on five continents. On the contrary, delivery via email occurs in a matter of minutes and to thousands of recipients included in the same shipment.

Deliverability: The deliverability of a letter is relative, since, although it reaches the destination address, it is possible that it will never reach the right person, leading to errors of appreciation in the percentage of delivery of the letters. documents. An email message goes directly to the specific recipient’s mailbox, which ensures that deliverability metrics are accurate as to who it was delivered to.

Digital environment: The growing importance of email to interact with your customers lies mainly in being a way inserted in a digital environment, much appreciated today and used as a two-way communication channel with your business. This translates into a better customer experience for your users regarding your brand, especially when it comes to relatively young consumers.Carbon footprint: Every time we send an email that reaches the inbox of a mailbox, we contribute four grams of CO2 emissions, and if the shipment has attached a document that weighs 1mbps, it is raises to 20 grams.

A traditional paper shipment has an impact on the environment at least two and a half times greater than sending an electronic message of the same characteristics, and can exceed that amount by four times depending on the distance it travels before arriving. to your destination, which greatly increases your company’s carbon emissions and leaves your corporate responsibility on the wrong foot with the society of which you are a part.

What is the best alternative to send documentation via email

Clarified since the best alternative to reach our clients with critical documentation is email, we now have two possible modalities: the first is by inserting links in the body of the message and the second is to attach the files directly to it.

Security: Inserting links to access files has quite low security levels, since hackers use precisely them to redirect to malicious sites, impersonating your company, a strategy known as phishing, whose objective is to steal data important information about your customers, such as credit card numbers and passwords. Another risk of links is what is known as spoofing, which consists of inserting viruses or malware into them so that customers provide valuable personal information without knowing that they are doing it.

21% of permission courier shipments in the world do not reach their destination; are blocked or marked as Spam.-ReturnPath-

Attaching files to a message is recognized today as the safest way to deliver documents to your clients. This is reflected, for example, in the fact that banks in Chile for several years have had in their regulations the express prohibition of including links (links) to download documents in their electronic messaging shipments.

Infrastructure: The download links require a support infrastructure of a certain complexity and often require duplicate and even triplicate repositories at various levels, to ensure document availability, making this practice one of the most expensive in the world. this aspect.

Backup: The backups of each document sent to your clients must also be hosted on this own infrastructure, whose maintenance cost is very high. Such an option is practically unfeasible for companies that send large volumes of documents in compliance with the regulation of some markets, such as banking, insurance companies, health services and the like.

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